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Enhance Your Balance During the Off

Jun 09, 2023Jun 09, 2023

Mobility Duo, the gurus of snowboarding-focused workouts have just dropped another helpful workout. Their Caption breaks it all down:

Snowboarding requires an immense amount of strength and endurance from our bodies, especially those who are spending hours on the hill. In addition, this movement requires incredible strength/ endurance from our core/ hips/ quadriceps/ and ankles.

This movement is not only great for improving at snowboarding but for those rehabilitating from hip/ knee/ ankle injuries. Use a series of socks or objects in a 4 way pattern around you. Test it out briefly to really challenge yourself as you reach. Use socks, cardboard, or a slider to keep your sliding foot planted on the ground as you move it.


Standing tall, Shift your weight to one side and drop into a slight athletic stance. With the other foot down, us your slippery surface to move it around the forward cone and immediately to the side. Keeping your moving forefoot in contact with the ground, adjust your planted leg by flexing at the hip/ knee or increasing dorsiflexion at the ankle. Complete a figure 8 pattern around the cones until you come back to the start.


Similar as above, now we add an unstable surface for balance/ proprioception in our joints AND a bottoms up kettlebell for coordination/ shoulder strengthening. This requires that our brains and joints work to coordinate this movement together smoothly. This is very difficult so take your time!MOVE 3:Mix and match the surface or kettlebell to keep it spicy! Aim for 5 completions on 1 leg before switching to the other. Goal is 3-5 rounds total on ea side. now is the time to start working on these for next season!

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